:: hiddenillusion :: ... look beyond

Deobfuscating JavaScript with Malzilla

I was asked a question a little while ago from a fellow forensicator about deobfuscating some JS that he came across. The JS didn’t take long to reverse but I suspect there are others out there that would benefit from a quick post regarding another way to go about this...

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YARA + Volatility ... the beginning

YARA - the sleeping giant. There’s been mention of it over the last few years but as far as adoption - I think it’s still lacking in the tool set of many analysts. I personally like to leverage YARA on its own, within pescanner and most definitely within volatility’s malfind....

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Making Volatility Work for You


Lately I’ve been spending some time customizing Volatility to meet some of the needs I was facing. What were they? I needed an automated way to leverage Volatility to perform an analysis and while doing so I noticed there were some small changes to some of its files that...

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What to use for analysis on a per file extension -or- category basis


As you are all aware of, there are a ton of different tools out there and the list just keeps growing. A coworker of mine is working on some malware automation and often times we needed to determine which tools we wanted to run against said files. This outcome...

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Total number of connections to a server from proxy logs


Go through every log file for a day, print the server/IP that clients were communicating with and give a total sum for the number of times each server/IP was communicated with.


Each day has anyway from 30+ log files created from multiple sensors which archive the logs in...

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